Bilateral Superior Oblique Palsies

Class HT V IOOA SOUA Torsion DMR AHP Treatment
1 No 22 > +2 -1 or 0 No 10° No BIOc
2 No 16 0 to +1 > -2 Yes 13° Chin Down BSOt or Harata-Ito
3 No 40 > +2 > -2 Yes 14° Chin Down BIOc & BSOt or Harata-Ito*
4a Yes 21 >+2 Asym > -2 Yes 14° Tilt Bilat. Harata-Ito or SOt and Unilateral IOc
4b Yes 20 +1 to +2 > -2 Asym Yes 12° Tilt BSOt or Harata-Ito & IRc or SRc ± BIOc
4c Yes 22 > +2 Asym > -2 Asym Yes 15° Tilt BIOc & BSOt or Harata-Ito & IRc or SRc
5** Yes 10 > +2 Unilat -1 to -3 Unilat No 6°-11° Tilt Unilat IOc ± IRc brings out contralateral SOP

HT: Hypertropia in primary gaze
V: mean amount of V pattern present in upgaze/downgaze
IOOA: Inferior oblique over action
SOUA: Superior oblique under action
Torsion: Subjective torsion
DMR: Average torsion on Double Maddox Rod test
AHP: Abnormal head position
Treatment: Suggested treatment
BIOc: Bilateral Inferior Oblique recessions or other weakening procedure
BSO Tuck: Bilateral Superior Oblique Tuck
IRc: Inferior rectus recession
SRc: Superior rectus recession
Asym: Asymmetrical under or over action
Unilat: Unilateral
SOP: Superior Oblique Palsy

* For class 3 patients: consider Bilateral Medial Rectus Recessions for Esodeviation > 8 diopters
** Masked Bilateral Superior Oblique Palsy (9-16% of all Bilateral Superior Oblique palsies)

Based on Scott WE, Kraft SP, Classification and Treatment of Superior Oblique Palsies:II. Bilateral Superior Oblique Palsies. Transactions of the New Orleans Academy of Ophthalmology. 1986: 265-91.